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Parade Rules and Guidelines

  1. All participants must be registered.

  2. In order to be considered for an award, floats must represent the parade theme.

  3. A business sign, if any, may only appear on the rear of the float. 

  4. The 4th of July Activities Committee reserves the right to remove any float that is inappropriate, a danger to participants/spectators or is solely participating for the purpose of advertising.

  5. All floats must have at least TWO walking monitors beside their float at all times. The safety of the float participants and spectators are our utmost concern!

  6. Floats should measure no higher than 12’ from the ground and should be able to maneuver sharp corners without difficulty. 

  7. Participants must locate their own truck/trailer.

  8. Drivers must stay with their vehicle at all times prior to and during the parade.

  9. Sound equipped entries must NOT EXCEED 100 WATTS of amplification. Sound must be projected from the sides of the float only and maintained at a volume low enough so as not to interfere with other parade participants.  

  10. ltems such as SILLY STRING, SNAPPERS, SOAKERS/WATER GUNS, etc. are not allowed! Failure to comply will result in immediate removal from the parade. 

  11. No distribution of advertising materials or fundraising materials by any participant.

  12. Any candy must be thrown from the floats into the crowd. Monitors are allowed to hand out candy. It is dangerous for children to run into the street towards the floats as drivers may not see them. 


Margery Parcher Fund
P.O. Box 1743, Duxbury, MA 02331

© 2025 Duxbury 4th of July Committee All Rights Reserved

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